• School Code: 25150, Affiliated from CBSE, Affiliated Number : 2730513
  • Phone : +91 11 43523155
  • E-mail : stlps@ymail.com

Games and sports have become an integral element of present day education. Our school celebrated the Annual Sports fiesta on30th Dec ’2022 amidst a lot of fun and frolic. Cash prizes, Medals, Trophies were distributed to the academic toppers and achievers of other co curricular activities. The winners who make it to the victory stand feel proud. Students exhibited skit on SANRAKSHAN of mother earth. All in all, it is indeed a thrilling experience for children and their parents.

Naya Daur

Our School celebrated its annual sports day on 4th February 2023 for II to V grade amidst great enthusiasm and camaraderie. The most entertaining and fascinating part was field display based on the theme "NAYA DAUR", involving mass student participation which sprinkled on field.